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Outcome: The church in WNY has a thriving culture of collaboration.

The people of God are divided in our efforts, which leads to incredible inefficiencies in our pursuit of God’s mission. The solution is not symbolic unity, but practical collaboration on tangible projects. This strategic unity will allow us to increase our effectiveness through specialization, collaboration, and economies of scale.

collaborative network


Outcome: Members of the church in WNY have identified and engaged their unique kingdom role.
Every Christian is a wealth of time, talent, and treasure, however, many are immobile and/or inefficient. Deploying these individuals in their Kingdom assignment, ensures that every Christian becomes “fully alive” in Christ with a unique purpose that impacts our region. Not demanding overcommitment, but helping people identify and become efficient in their role.

triple diversity

Outcome: The church in WNY is led by a coalition of marketplace, non-profit, and pastoral leaders.

The Gospel creates a new human community centered on Jesus. Our old identities do not simply disappear, but they do fade into the background behind our common Kingdom identity. In light of this, our work cannot be dominated by any one ethnic group, theological tradition, or vocational position. Leadership in this work must be diverse in all three ways.

holistic kingdom impact

Outcome: The church in WNY is accomplishing both evangelism and justice.
God is reconciling all things to Himself through Christ; there is no aspect of human life, and no zip code in our region, that should be untouched by God’s good and gracious authority. This is a vision for proclamation and demonstration; for evangelism and justice; for the spiritual, social, and economic realities of everyone in our region to be transformed.

Outcome: The church in WNY is successfully completing collaborative Kingdom projects.
Our simple strategy is to identify, develop, complete, and celebrate “triple-win projects” that involve multiple groups collaborating to accomplish some kingdom outcome. A project is a “triple-win” if it advances the mission of organization A, advances the mission of organization B, and benefits the community at large.

triple-win projects


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Synergy 6.png
project lab
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